
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Child's Birthday Checklist

Every year, it seems, our kid's birthday falls on a weekday and the party is on the weekend.  Some families just ignore the actual birthday all together and are fine celebrating just on the party day.  But I like to do fun family celebrations on their actual birthday and then just have fun with their friends at their party.  My husband thinks it's overkill...he might be right? :)  But it's what I love to do!  And as a person who never had a birthday party growing up, it's my desire to let my child have a day that's special and all about them!

I'm typically pretty prepared for the party day, but tend to not be so prepared on the actual birthday.  So this year I went ahead and created a checklist for myself.  After birthing 5 children, my brain isn't what it used to be so I LIVE off of checklists; otherwise I wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat that I forgot something.  So here's the checklist I created for my family.

For full disclosure, I don't always do everything on the list.  It's just what I "hope" to accomplish to make the day special and acts as a guide for me.  But I don't let it stress me out if I don't get to it all.  I don't think I've ever had a birthday that I've got it all done on that day....especially the video interview.

Am I exhausted at the end of these days?  YES!  Do I think it's worth it?  YES!  I don't always love doing the work, but I love having done the work! :)

I hope it inspires you to create your own and start some fun traditions to make magical memories with your kiddos!  Good luck!

To download this checklist, click here: Child's Birthday Checklist

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